The system development of the project went well. However, the focus on the conduction of exams required a skillset of teachers as well as students. The features of the application included overviews of the entire education system to set up and coordinate between the developers and the users. When met with the examination module, the traditional methods were still prominent and not yet feature a working physical exam system. Merging the technical terms in the development of the application on a global level created an opportunity for us to improve.
The most challenging process was to merge the web application with the physical exam conduction process. It required the conduction of pen and paper-based exams with the notation of a suitable subject and teacher in the form of a barcode. The barcode was needed to reconstruct the software database to make it accessible to the teacher to do the correction work. This led to the construction of online question papers with guaranteed access to the teachers and the school admin for rearrangement of question orders.
The barcode generated by the school admin features all the teacher, course and subject details. The printing of the barcode in the question paper led to the formation of a grouped database based on teacher, course, and subject while scanning. With barcode creation, it was now possible for teachers to log in, check and evaluate the respective answers according to the question they have made in the question papers. The evaluated paper is then submitted, and the results can be verified through the student log in process.
As checking is a digital process, it required particular attention and resources. The option of making it more useful and speeding up the process made it necessary to develop an “ANSWER SHEET MOBILE EVALUATION MODULE.”
This would create a more capable staff system for correcting the papers without needing extra resources. This module can only be accessed by the teachers to evaluate the specific question answered by the students. They can quickly login, view the papers, review and submit them to be stored in a database for further student performance analysis.